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Click here for extra information about circle equations.

Need help find chord lengths for a circle? Click here.

Miss the sphere PowerPoint in class?  Click here.

Click here for a PowerPoint about points of concurrency.

Check out this cool applet on points of concurrency.

Pts of Concurrency

Mnemonic way to remember the points of concurrency:

Think Starbucks!

CM - Centroid/Medians 
Caramel Macchiato

CCPB - Circumcenter/Perpendicular Bisectors
Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter brownie

ICAB - Incenter/Angle Bisectors
Iced Cappuccinos Are Better

OCA - Orthocenter/ Altitudes
Orange Cranberry Apple smoothie

Below is the TI nSpire handout and file.  NOTE: You MUST have the nSpire software downloaded onto your computer to open the nSpire file.

3 Dimensional Graphing


Need help with three dimensional graphing? Watch this

Click here for the hotmath 3-D point plotter. (NOTE:  You must have flash to use this interactive plotter)

3 Dimensional Distance & Midpoint Formulas

Medians Altitudes & Perpendicular Bisectors

Homework Answers: